№ BG05M9OP001-1.003-0449-C01 – “ Creation of new sustainable jobs in TRANS – CEMENT E EOOD ”
address: Sofia, 190 Cherni Vrah Blvd.
Contact person: Lilia Kolelieva
Tel: 0884 745418
Pursuant to Art. 2, para. 7 of the Council of Ministers № 160 / 01.07.2016. , TRANS – CEMENT E EOOD announces a public announcement for collecting price offers
Subject: Supply of information and publicity materials as follows:
- Information board – 4 pcs.
- Stickers – 18 pcs.
Delivery description :
Delivery of information and publicity materials with the following minimum requirements:
- Information board (4 pcs.) With dimensions 50×70 cm, full color printing on which to be visualized:
- the name of the project and its main goal;
- the EU emblem and the mention of the “European Union”;
- the name of the co-financing fund;
- the general logo for the programming period 2014-2020, with the corresponding name of the funding program;
- the total value of the project, as well as the amount of European and national co-financing, presented in Bulgarian levs;
- start and end date of the project implementation.
- Stickers – 18 pcs., Of which 9 pcs. with dimensions 5×9 cm and 9 pcs. A5 format, full color printing, self-adhesive foil on which to be visualized:
- the number of the Grant Agreement;
- the EU emblem;
- the reference to the “European Union”;
- the name of the co-financing fund;
- the general logo for the programming period 2014-2020.
All produced and delivered materials for information and publicity must meet the requirements according to the Unified Manual of the beneficiary for application of the rules for information and communication 2014-2020. and current legislation.
Place of delivery : Varna
Term of execution of the order : up to 20 calendar days
Estimated value: BGN 1,160.00 without VAT.
How to apply: Applicants must submit price proposals by e-mail:
Deadline for submission of price proposals: until 10.11.2016, 23:59.
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